Division of Campus Life

Cultivate Belonging

You are welcome and valued for being exactly who you are.

All members of our community — regardless of actual or perceived race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, political views, physical ability, or other aspects of their identities — are accepted, valued and belong at Brown.

Brown's identity and cultural centers offer spaces and opportunities for all students to build relationships across differences, engage in open inquiry, and develop leadership and life skills to help you thrive intellectually and personally at Brown and beyond. Where will you find yourself?

Cultivate Belonging with Campus Life

Explore a few of the Campus Life offices that help cultivate identity and belonging.

The Brown Center for Students of Color (BCSC) provides a place and space for students of color to explore identity, develop leadership skills and build a sense of community in a welcoming and supportive environment. Learn about the Heritage Series, connect with a Peer Counselor or immerse yourself in the Graduate Students of Color community.
The Global Brown Center for International Students (GBC) provides programming to support and engage our undergraduate and graduate international community. Get involved with GBC by joining a cross-cultural conversation lunch, participating in International Education Week or stopping by “the Globe.”
The LGBTQ Center at Stonewall House provides a comprehensive range of education/training, cultural, social and educational programming, support services and advocacy services to the entire Brown community. Access advising resources, participate in a confidential discussion/support group or check out the Gender Affirming Closet.
The Office of Military-Affiliated Students (OMAS) assists student veterans, ROTC cadets and other military-affiliated students in making successful transitions into and out of the Brown community. Learn about ROTC, join the Brown University Student Veterans Society or visit the Military-Affiliated Students Lounge.
The Sarah Doyle Center for Women and Gender provides a comfortable and engaging place for all students to explore the multiple dimensions of gender, cultivate community across difference and inspire critical dialogue and collective movement-making. Attend events and programs with an intersectional feminist lens, access the library’s more than 4,000 volumes or enjoy a cozy place to study.
The Undocumented, First-Generation College and Low-Income Student (U-FLi) Center is a communal learning and advocacy center for undergraduate and graduate students who identify with the U-FLi experience. Participate in advising and leadership development and programming such as the Class Dissonance Series, Undocu-Series and U-FLi Graduate Student Initiative.

Campus Life Initiatives

Discover a selection of our opportunities that cultivate identity and belonging.

If you have questions about what to expect or how to get involved with one of Brown’s identity centers, connecting with a peer counselor is a great place to start.
The Disability Justice Student Initiative (DJSI) explores disability as a social identity campus-wide and cultivates a community of support as disabled students identify and navigate resources.

Looking for More?

Visit our campus partners for more opportunities to cultivate belonging.