Division of Campus Life

Emergency Contacts

Get help and find essential information in an emergency.

Urgent or Crisis SituationsDuring Business HoursAfter Business Hours
Police, Fire and Medical Emergencies (on the Brown Campus)401-863-4111401-863-4111
Student and Family Emergencies401-863-3145
Student Support Services
401-863 -3322
Administrator on Call
Medical Advice401-863 -3953
Student Health Services (confidential)
For medical questions and nursing advice, call 401-863-1330
Mental Health401-863-3476
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) (confidential)

Phone message will instruct you how to connect with a clinician from CAPS after hours.
Sexual Assault 401-863-6000
Sexual Assault Response Line (confidential)

If experiencing a medical emergency, please contact 401-863-4111
Weather-Related EmergenciesEmergency Announcements:
Emergency Announcements:
Academic Support