Division of Campus Life

Gender Discrimination and Sexual Violence (Title IX)

Brown University’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy campus environment requires addressing all forms of sexual harassment and violence and gender-based misconduct, implementing prevention efforts, and providing support and resources for those who experience it.

Brown maintains Title IX policies and procedures to address sexual misconduct complaints in a prompt, impartial and unbiased manner, grounded in fairness and support to both complainants and respondents.

Brown has taken a strategic and sustained approach to confronting sexual harassment and gender-based violence on campus dating back to transformative recommendations from the University’s Sexual Assault Task Force in 2015. The University has made it an institutional priority to create an environment in which no incident of sexual violence is tolerated, and the experiences and perspective of students and others impacted by sexual violence have been instrumental in informing procedures and processes.

If you are experiencing a crisis, support is available. 

Students can call the Sexual Assault Response Line at 401-863-6000 for confidential crisis support and information for immediate help accessing resources in response to an incident of sexual violence or interpersonal harm.

Faculty, staff and students can seek help from the RI Helpline at 1-800-494-8100, the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673, and the National Domestic Violence Helpline at 1-800-799-7233.

Help After Sexual Harm

Report an Incident of Gender Discrimination or Sexual Violence

If you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence or stalking, report it!

Brown University students, staff and faculty who have experienced or witnessed an incident of bias, discrimination or harassment are encouraged to report it to the University.
Brown takes all reports of discrimination and harassment seriously. The University is committed to making the process for reporting incidents easy to navigate and has developed procedures to provide fair, prompt, and consistent mechanisms for the resolution of complaints.

Consultation and Advice

If you have experienced sexual and/or relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and/or gender-based discrimination, there are a variety of resources available to assist you. Anyone may contact the Title IX and Gender Equity Office to request a consultation. Talking with us does not obligate you to file a report; investigations do not begin unless and until an official written formal complaint is filed.

Email titleixoffice@brown.edu, call 401-863-2026, or visit our office at 20 Benevolent Street, Providence, RI 02906. Report an incident through the Gender Discrimination and Sexual Violence Incident Reporting Form.

Title IX and Gender Equity Office

Laws, Policies, Procedures and Resources

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX)

Although adopted in its original form to address inequalities and bias facing women and girls in educational programs and activities, including athletics, the scope of Title IX has broadened to provide protection against sexual harassment, bullying, pregnancy discrimination, gender-based stereotyping, gender-based harassment and sexual violence.

Title IX requires universities to designate at least one employee to oversee the institution’s compliance with Title IX and to adopt and publish a grievance procedure to respond to alleged violations. This work is carried out by Brown’s Title IX Coordinator and the Title IX and Gender Equity Office.

The U.S. Department of Education establishes regulations and procedural requirements that colleges and universities must follow to prevent sexual harassment and sex discrimination within educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. Compliance with the regulatory requirements is enforced and monitored by the Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

Below are links to the regulations governing the University’s efforts to foster gender diversity and inclusion in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. Over the years, the federal government has periodically reviewed and revised its regulations.

Current Regulations

Related Laws and Amendments

Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

  • Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights, 401-222-2661
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Boston Office, 1-800-669-4000
  • Office of Civil Rights, Region 1 U.S. Department of Education, 617-289-0111
  • Providence Police Department, 401-272-3121
  • Rhode Island Attorney General, 401-274-4400

The Title IX and Gender Equity Office within the Office of Equity Compliance and Reporting in the Division of Campus Life oversees Brown’s policies and procedures that create a comprehensive response to sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence.

  • The Title IX Policy implements the Title IX regulations issued by the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.
  • The Title IX Grievance Procedure is used to resolve formal complaints filed under the Title IX Policy.
  • The Sexual Misconduct Policy prohibits Sex Discrimination, including Sex-Based Harassment, as well as related Retaliation and Prohibited Intimate Relationships.
  • The Sexual Misconduct Grievance Procedure is used when the University receives a report of conduct that is prohibited under the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Alternatives to Campus Disciplinary Processes

The following resources provide campus-based alternatives to the informal and formal complaint procedures adjudicated through the Title IX and Gender Equity Office. The offices and processes below do not impose discipline. Participation in an alternative resolution process is voluntary for all involved and does not prevent a complainant from submitting a formal complaint with the Title IX and Gender Equity Office. Contact the resources below for information on confidentiality and privacy within their process.

Restorative Practices (All students)

Restorative practices focus on bringing responsible parties and harmed parties together in a facilitated dialogue about incidents that have caused harm. For more information, visit the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards

University Ombuds (Faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars, graduate, and medical and professional students)

The University Ombuds provides confidential, neutral, independent, and informal assistance to faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate students, and medical and professional students who have concerns arising from or affecting their life at Brown. The office is a source of support for those who want to develop options for addressing a particular concern or who may wish to consider learning how to deal with issues on their own. Contact the Ombuds by email at ombuds@brown.edu or by phone at 401-863-6145.

Providence Police Department

Brown University strongly encourages anyone who becomes aware of an alleged incident of prohibited conduct that may constitute a violation of Rhode Island State Law to report the incident to local law enforcement, and we will provide support, resources and assistance to those who do so.

  • Emergency: 911
  • Non-Emergency: 401-272-3121