Dear Students,
Welcome back! We hope you had a restful break and are excited to return to campus. As we prepare for the start of spring semester, I am writing with some reminders about activities and resources to ease and energize your transition.
If you are looking for ways to get involved, Events@Brown has a diverse range of on-campus activities during this long weekend and beyond. From art exhibits to athletic competitions, social programs to academic opportunities, there's something for everyone. Some highlights include:
- Monday, January 20 – Brown’s identity and cultural centers will host several events to offer support and community, including community hours in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with the BCSC; New Year, New Games with the GBC; the Military Student Welcome Back Reception with OMAS; and Being in Beloved Community with the LGBTQ and Sarah Doyle Centers.
- Fri-Mon, January 17-20 – Bring friends and support the many Brown athletic teams hosting home games this weekend. Let’s go Bruno!
- Friday, January 24 – Visit the Spring Activities Fair co-sponsored by SAO and UCS to explore the vibrant student organizations on Brown’s campus and find your next activity.
- Monday, February 3 – Attend a workshop for students and an evening talk by Jamil Zaki, “Hope for Cynics: Discovering Common Ground and Building Cultures of Trust,” featuring a conversation with President Christina H. Paxson. Click here to register.
If you have questions or need support, visit the Seek Support section of the Campus Life website and refer to the back of your Brown ID card for contact information for many key resource offices, including the Administrator on Call, available 24/7. TimelyCare teletherapy service is available throughout the long weekend and the semester, offering students remote counseling with mental health providers licensed nationwide. Should unanticipated financial stressors emerge, all students may view potential sources of support for which they may be eligible via UFUNDS.
After the relative quiet of winter break on campus, we are looking forward to welcoming our vibrant community of new and returning students back to Providence to embark on a new semester.
Our best wishes for the spring,
Koren Bakkegard
Associate Vice President for Campus Life
Dean of Students