Dana Hamdan
AVP Hamdan leads Campus Life Administration.
Dana Hamdan serves as the associate vice president for administration for the Division of Campus Life. She helps initiate and implement institutional and divisional priorities, working with the division’s staff to coordinate and align operations and resources related to the student experience. She also helps direct a range of professional growth opportunities for staff at all levels and career stages, and collaborates closely with internal and external partners. She joined Brown in 2021, serving as chief of staff and senior director for strategic engagement for Campus Life.
Hamdan assumed her new role in September 2022 (on an interim basis in November 2021). In this role, she oversees the division’s central administration team, which includes support for the entire division in the following areas: financial planning and analysis, human resources, communications and outreach, and parent and family engagement. Hamdan provides vision and leadership in developing priorities for future growth, and spearheaded a collaborative process to create a divisional roadmap, which will guide the division’s work over a three-year period.
Hamdan comes to Brown from Oberlin College, where she served as associate dean of students and executive director of the Career Development Center. At Oberlin, she developed and managed career programming and outreach initiatives; led efforts on student advising, leadership, engagement, and support; and oversaw the Center for Innovation & Impact, the International Student Resource Center, and the Student Help and Resource Exchange (akin to Student Support Services at Brown). Hamdan also speaks Arabic and English fluently.
M.Ed. University of North Carolina at Greensboro
B.A. Political Science, Guilford College